Pretty much every time I tell people I’ve been to Russia, they ask me why I bothered going there, and how they picture it as just a bunch of babushkas in bread lines wearing fur hats covered in snow.

And it’s not like they don’t have babushkas or fur hats or snow, but since not so many people actually go all the way over there, their heads are filled with Russian stereotypes that more accurately represent the 1950s (or even the 1850s) than modern-day Russia. Things have changed a whole lot in the last 20 years, and chances are you had some weird notions in your head anyway.
On the other hand…there’s a reason for stereotypes, and sometimes they turn out to be surprisingly accurate, and after my all-too-brief time in Russia, I came to learn that some Russian stereotypes are incredibly true. There’s a lot more to the country than just a few preconceived notions, but if you’re wondering if Russians love vodka or if entire cities get snowed under, well…let’s find out!
10 kinda-true Russian stereotypes
1) They love their vodka

So all Russians are vodka-swilling alcoholics just a few brief steps away from alcohol poisoning, right?
Well, not quite. Though vodka is still king, beer sales exploded in the early 2000s due to cheap costs and lax regulation. Beer wasn’t even classified as an alcoholic drink until quite recently, seen as more of a light refresher. Like a soda! Though I guess it really only furthers the stereotype of drunk Russians when Russia didn’t even think beer was strong enough to be considered alcohol.
But the point is, things are changing. Russia does indeed enjoy its most traditional spirit, but beer and wine are widely enjoyed as well, and the allure of high-end Western brands is frequently on display at fancier clubs and bars.
That said, they drink a lot. And I mean a lot. Whenever I sat down for dinner with a Russian family, they took the vodka out of the freezer and we downed that bottle like it was our last night on Earth. You know what it’s like downing 9 shots of vodka over the course of a half hour meal? Well I sure do.
But even so, the mom and daughter were drinking champagne. In sane amounts.
Plus, Russians aren’t even the biggest drinkers on the planet. But they sure are close. Alcoholism has been declared a national problem, and when you consider it’s mostly the men who drink in large quantities (and whose life expectancy is significantly lower as a result), you realize they’re making up for the lower drinking rates of the ladies, and the image of a drunk uncle causing a ruckus at a wedding is all the more believable.
2) They’re all stony-faced and mean

I’ll be happy to point out that this one is simply a big misunderstanding. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that most visitors only ever meet people in a bureaucratic setting; ticket booth operators, hotel staff, police officers doing a “random” passport check, and other fun stuff that only helps feed the notion that Russians don’t seem polite or friendly.
But when you sit down for dinner with them, they’ll feed you until your stomach explodes and pour you shot after shot of vodka until your liver explodes too. What’s the deal?
Oddly enough, it’s purely bureaucratic. They’ll have no interest in serving your needs when behind a glass barrier of some kind, but take the glass away, and they’ll open their kitchens and liquor cabinets and offer you as much as you can possibly handle. Plus 25% more.
Also, to fulfill your “I learned something new today” quota, Russians don’t smile to be friendly. They smile when something is funny. Once you realize that, the stony-faced demeanor is actually just fine, since they can be perfectly straightforward about taking care of things, but without being all smiley about it.
And speaking of glass barriers…
3) It’s a bureaucratic nightmare

I’ll be the first to say that this is 100% true. Any attempt to deal with bureaucracy and red tape is going to be a soul-destroying endeavor that tests your faith in humanity to its most extreme. The chances of you coming out of this experience with your optimism intact is about the same as the likelihood of you sitting down with a Russian family for dinner and coming away sober.
Everything from visas to train tickets to permits of any kind are going to take 43% longer than you expect, succeed 28% less often, and cost 34% more. Be prepared. Then prepare some more. Have a bottle of vodka available back in your room so you can drown your sorrows and frustrations as soon as things go horribly wrong.
(The one exception: Train travel. The Russian train system makes the more “modern” European rail system seem like a rickety ride along a dirt road in a horse and buggy.)
A friend of mine referred to all the these nuisances and fees as the “speed tax,” which, when implemented, I have been informed works very efficiently. But if you’re not planning on a bribery attempt, expect things to take their sweet time.
And speaking of bribery…
4) All the cops are corrupt

This is partially true.
Russia has a horrific reputation for police corruption, government kickbacks, and all sorts of other ridiculous complications that stifle development and reward ruthlessness. And it’s kinda true. My very first day in Russia included the dreaded “passport check,” AKA a bribe request. It was the first of several, in Russia and other former Soviet states. And it was very annoying. Luckily for me, I am such a suave and sophisticated gentleman that most attempts at bribe extraction resulted in my brilliant and dashing escape. Only Moldova defeated me.
Keep your passport safe, kids. Hand them photocopies only. But on the other hand, sometimes the passport check works out hysterically. Good luck!
5) Mail order brides actually exist

The only inaccuracy here is that they’ve evolved to email-order brides. And they’re mostly in Ukraine anyway.
I was somewhat skeptical this even existed, or that it could be anything more than isolated cases, but once I got to Odessa, there were billboards advertising gorgeous Ukrainian girls that just wanted to marry YOU. The Irish pub always had some English-speaking guy talking through a translator to a girl way out of his league. It was pretty creepy.
But that brings up another point; the stereotype that Russian and Ukrainian girls are incredibly attractive. I used to think this was just a silly notion, as there are all sorts of people all over the world, and a large part of it is due to their relatively low obesity rates combined with their extraordinarily high “always get dressed up” rates, but I have to say there’s something to it.
It could very well just be a genetic coincidence, but I heard another explanation while I was over there; Russia lost 20 million people during World War II, with heavy losses all over Eastern Europe as well. Though many of them were women, more of them were men, who died in combat. And after the war was over, who did they pick to marry? The pretty ones, of course.
I can’t say whether or not that’s the real reason, but I can’t see it not being at least somewhat true.
6) It’s really damn cold

Well, sort of. The Earth has an axis tilt, dummies! And without going through too much of a meteorological tangent, the short summary is that oceans keep temperatures moderate, while continents push temperatures high and low.
And look at Russia all the way up there. Once the summer sunshine starts beating down on it, there isn’t much ocean to sneak the heat away, especially in southern Siberia. It doesn’t happen every day, but summer highs can reach perfectly enjoyable sunbathing levels.
That said, it does get incredibly cold. Colder than anywhere besides Antarctica. The record for coldest temperature in a permanently inhabited place is shared by two Russian cities; Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk, both of which went down to -67.7° C (-90° F).
7) They love bears

But who doesn’t?
So this is something of a silly point, but Russia has long been associated with bears, so I thought it might be helpful to point out why, for those who are curious what bears have to do with Russians.
It’s fairly simple. They’ve got plenty of them over in those massive forests of theirs, and they’re big, strong creatures who make for intimidating and ferocious mascots. For a while the bear was considered for inclusion on the coat of arms, but they finally decided on the tsar-era symbol of the two-headed eagle instead, since apparently they favor symmetry over anatomical accuracy.
On the downside, western countries have used the symbol to poke fun at Russia for being a slow-moving, awkward beast. Apparently these people have never had to outrun a bear.
But yes, you can get your picture taken with a baby bear on the streets of St. Petersburg. It’s more kitschy than traditional, so I can’t imagine many modern-day Russians that would talk about how bear-like they are. Think of your country’s national animal, and ask if you…you know, care.
8) They love those adorable little nesting dolls

It’s called a matryoshka, and they are indeed a common sight among gift shops all around the major attractions throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg.
At this point they’re more touristy than traditional, but then again, plenty of tourists in Russia are Russian people, so it’s not just something they sell to foreigners.
One of the popular styles, particularly during Soviet times, were the nesting dolls painted to look like all the Soviet leaders. Which, oddly, meant that as time went on and new leaders were added (and became the largest of the series), Stalin got smaller and more adorable with every new leader.
9) They love their authors

Yup, they sure do. Russians are pretty darn proud of their authors, poets, composers, and all sorts of other artistic types, and with good reason. Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky are pretty widely agreed to be the best novelists ever. And there are plenty more.
They have elaborate graves in famous cemeteries; their former homes are decorated with descriptive plaques; and Russians can quote passages from the books the way English majors can recite Shakespeare.
That’s not to say the current state of artistic achievement is particularly exciting, and if you’ve heard any Russian pop music from the last decade or two, well…you probably switched it off pretty quickly. Look to the classics, Russia. You’ve done better.
10) They still love the USSR

Hmm…kind of. For a lot of Russians, the Soviet era represented the greatest heights Russia ever achieved, from scientific advancements to technological development, economic growth, and political significance. They even made their own version of Winnie the Pooh!
And all of this was accomplished after rising from the ashes of World War II, through some of the worst battles in human history. For a region that for centuries lagged behind Europe and other western powers, these were the glory days. For Russians, anyway.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia’s GDP was cut in half, the country became a lawless, depression-struck joke, it lost half its territory, millions of Russians were stranded on the wrong side of the border of several newly independent countries, a few of its nukes supposedly went missing, and politically-connected oligarchs took over the most lucrative industries. And that’s just a brief summary of everything that went wrong. It’s easy to look at Soviet history as synonymous with the rise and fall of the fortunes of the Russian people.
The story isn’t so rosy for all the non-Russians, though. The Baltic states in particular have been the most obvious case of Soviet rule being oppressive and stifling, as they’ve joined the EU and seen their economies develop rapidly, while many of the challenges they face are due to former Soviet membership. They’d have been better off without them, in other words. And that’s to say nothing of gulags.
So it’s certainly rather skewed, and it’s easy to see why opinions are so diametrically opposed to each other, as the Soviet Union was certainly not a good place to live if you weren’t Russian. But I think it’s worth understanding why the USSR, despite the horrors of Stalinism and his ubiquitous labor camps, is still a fond memory for so many. I’m not saying I agree, but I’m saying it’s worthwhile to understand the perspective, and I think it’s quite easy to understand. But you really need to ignore quite a few atrocities in order to feel legitimately proud.
Don’t read too much into Russian stereotypes, though…

So I meant for this post to be more educational than anything else, and I hope the info here doesn’t just reinforce Russian stereotypes, but instead gives some perspective. There’s generally a more interesting story behind things than a simple coincidence, and it’s worth knowing a thing or two about how these things got started, or how they’re not quite what you might think. I certainly had a great time there, and the people were very curious about what I thought about Russia, and what life was like elsewhere. Just like visiting any country, really.
So life is life, wherever you go. I mean, who doesn’t like downing half a bottle of vodka over the course of a light meal? Idiots, that’s who.
Just stay away from the cops, and you’ll be just fine.
Post in 80% true.
Opinion about sadness on russians faces have a reason: in Russia inclement climate with sunless wheather. Do you like live clouds in the sky ? I think NO. But in Russia most of time is sunless & rainy days, and people don’t receive energy from sun, that is the reason of sadness of most people in Russia.
Opinion about alcohol: with Vladimir Putin governance most people became live better, and % drinking guys is decreases. For example, me don’t drink alcohol at all and don’t smoke at all, and i know many people like me.
Sorry for my scary english ))
Don’t worry about the English. I think we can all understand. And I appreciate the Russian perspective on this; I was trying to share what I learned with others, but getting the perspective of someone who lives there is helpful too.
I’m a Russian, living in America. It was interesting to read a foreigner’s perspective on Russia. I agree with most of them. I’m glad you mentioned that Russians only smile when there’s something to smile about, rather than smiling at a passing stranger. I don’t like extremes, so I do agree that Russians should put on a happier face in public, but I also find many American smiles to be pretentious (e.g. the smile goes away as soon as they turn around). I will admit, I’ve developed quite the American smile myself, but try to make sure it’s genuine :)
Also, I’ve never heard of the bear stereotype until I came to America. I’ve only seen one in a circus and it’s common in fairy-tales.
I gotta say, the vodka one is pretty accurate. I would also add smoking – half the kids in my 5th grade would smoke behind the school building. Sad truth.
However, I heard many things have improved and I can’t wait to go back and see for myself.
Great scout! I think I’ve been on your site before when I wanted to see British stereotypes. So, I just happened to have a fascination about other countries. My main interested was Britain- for all of my tween years, and most of my teen years so far, I had adored British Television and Literature; Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Sherlock Holmes, Ripper Street, and lord knows how much I had forgot. I’ll get into more detail about it in do time.
So, even know Britain’s my main place, there came a day when God kinda… haunted me… about Russia… it all started when I was reading The Discorded Hooves, when there was this Russian, Octavia. (but is originally Brittish, funny couenceadence…)
I was just liking how she had a habbit of saying the word ‘da’ and ‘nyte’ was all, but then when I net-surfed on Youtube (like I always do), I ended up finding a lot of Russian names and icons, and then on road tripes, Russia was mentioned A LOT on the radio!!!
So, I decided to take it as a sign from God that he wanted me to get into Russian, so I did.
It started with Google Translate, I managed to drill in ‘Speciba’ ‘Da’ ‘Nyte’ ‘Owal’ and my one and only sentence so far; ‘Eto chse t(something) nuzhno znat’. Please rate me on how accurate that was!
Anyway, I had managed to drill in a few basic words, but I couldn’t go any further in Google Translate.
But then I meet someone on Steam named Alexander Hellfire, whom claims to have come from Russia (not sure if it’s true, but you’d never know…). We talked, and he told me that Google Translate is absolute junk. I half agree with him. It’s actually kinda effective for your translating needs, but I now know that drilling in minor words is not the best way to go. So, I settled with Disney and My Little Pony songs in Russian and Russian Cartoons and My Little Pony and hopefully Pixar Movies in Russian.
I had discovered many a Cartoon, mainly; Three From Porska(something) and Vinni Puh. Yes, I agreed with you, and even cheered when you mentioned it! I love Vinni Puh! I love his chants I’m still trying to learn, I love his adorableness, and the whole cartoon itself was VERY enjoyable! It kinda replaced my old love for Winni the Pooh, but I suppose I still love that lovable yellow bear with his red shirt that I loved as a child. (But Pixar is still the main thing that I grew up with, it’s on the very top)
So, then came the faithful day when my History book stopped talking aboit God creating Man and got started on the good, not all the Bible stuff that had been shoved into me head sense birth. Anyway, before I start; I need to do a nation project- and guess which one I chose? (And it’s not Brittan)
So, I saw a whole documentary, and have plenty more in my watch later, and now I want to strive to learn more. I even looked up stereotypes, and I found you.
Your input was very helpful, and some of the things you said made me laugh ever so hard. So, I will be seeing more of your blogs in do time. Speciba!!!
Все в моих силах,
– Леонардо Оливер Осборн
I want to contribute my 5 kopeikas as we say.
1. The thing about beer being considered as non-alcoholic is not true. On the contrary, beer was looked upon as something only chronic alcoholics drink before ads hit the TV and billboards. Laws don’t reflect opinions and traditions. Vodka is also not loved, it’s just popular because it’s cheap. The most high rated alcohol is cognac.
6. Few people live in cold areas. It’s -5 in December where I live.
7. We don’t love bears more than other animals, it’s not even a symbol of Russia in Russia.
8. Matryoshkas are 100% tourist bait.
10. “For a lot of Russians, the Soviet era represented the greatest heights Russia ever achieved, from scientific advancements to technological development, economic growth, and political significance.”
For a tiny majority and some old people in cities maybe. The rest see it as a disaster that ended science, culture and Russian nation that was before. People who are nostalgic are just nostalgic. Later USSR was more sable, had jobs for everyone, better food, low crime rates and less immigrants indeed.
I see there are a lot if Russians commenting this post. I’m Russian as well, living in the US. I have to say I’m so tired of these stereotypes. First of all, vodka is popular only among these 3 groups of people:
1. People of certain generation (40-70 years old) and social group (not very well educated, somewhat poor or just having lack of culture);
2. People who want to impress tourists;
3. Tourists;
None of my family members or my friends prefers vodka. We drink mostly red wine, my parents prefer red semi-sweet wine or cognac, sometimes beer. I have lots of friends who don’t drink at all. I also have friends whose parents would prefer vodka or semi-sweet wine. These friends only drink dry wine or cognac. You should understand that Russia has been through a lot during 20th century and people used to drink so much vodka not because they are idiots or pure alcoholics. You can watch Leviathan if you want to see one of the stories. People drinks because they are desperate, lost, because everyone else is drinking around or maybe you have to drink because your 60 years old boss likes to drink. Sometimes people drink because it’s too cold or they work in a rural place where is nothing to do but to drink. Also there are some ethnic groups in Russia with Asian gens who cannot process alcohol at all. They become alcoholics from the first shot, I mean it. There are entire villages in Siberia who died because of it.
So please stop asking us if we drink all the time. It’s a real tragedy for some people. It’s like if you met someone, let’s say, from Columbia and you ask him if he is a drug addicted or if everyone in Columbia takes drugs instead of breakfast. Not really funny, right?
Otherwise thanks a lot, it was really interesting to read. I find everything besides first statement to be somewhat true or at least partially true.
Yes you are so right…I’m from Singapore and spend 15 years working with many amazing Russians…do love the vodka,cognac n chocolate for the cold mornings…Have had beautiful memories of the beautiful Russians from the West to the Far East…
Thank you for sharing…?❤️?❤️???Chwizen
This is a really great post! I am a travel blogger as well, and my fiance was born and raised in St. Petersburg, then moved to U.S. when he was 12. I am currently in St. Petersburg and we are here for one month and looking for other places to visit besides the two large cities, and your post was really helpful and hilarious! I am glad that I’m not the only one who is absolutely soul-crushed by the cold vibe and smile-less population in the metro. (I’m from Hawai’i, however, so my Aloha spirit is extremely hard to tame here.) I find myself smiling at everyone and immediately catching myself. I always look back at them to see if they smiled back and they never do. I try not to let it crush me too much. ;-)
Thanks for your Russia insights! It truly isn’t a common travel “bucket list” for Americans, and I feel really privileged to be here right now, staying with my fiance’s family.
Always happy to help with this smile/non-smile thing. It’s such an awkward situation, but so simple when you know what’s going on.
At least the half is not true! Russians very emotional people! And nothing said about millions of migrants! To know better about any country check more sources to be smarter ;)
Thanks for a very informative article.
“Ukrainian girls that just wanted to marry YOU. The Irish pub always had some English-speaking guy talking through a translator to a girl way out of his league. It was pretty creepy.”
So basically if two equal aged people get married and one is not as “good looking” then he/she is out of the other persons league and it’s creepy? Based on what you are saying is that LOOKS counts for everything and ugly people should not marry Beautiful people. Looks only goes skin deep, they can be horrible and ugly inside while the same could be said about not so pretty people. I assume you go for only good looking people …. well that’s sad. And i feel sorry for you. I married a nice lady and she was not a model, even my current girlfriend says the same thing “Why did you marry her?” It was simple she was a nice person who was a fantastic mother who did everything you could expect a nice person to do. It seems that this is common point with society – fools marry purely on looks – either mail order or otherwise.
It would be great if this worked out in reality, but I expect the number of people hoping it can work out is greater than the number of people for whom spending money to schedule organized meetings with attractive women abroad ever has.